Monday, 20 June 2022

Tips For Reducing Absenteeism - Incentives

Another option is to provide incentives to employees who show up on time. This encourages those who are frequently absent and motivates those who are constantly at work.


Tips For Reducing Absenteeism - Feedback

You should make an effort to provide regular feedback to your employees. This does not have to be only when they have done something wrong; you should also try to recognize their successes.


Tips For Reducing Absenteeism - Supporting Staff Member

Once you've established a policy, the next step is to set up a system to assist employees who are experiencing difficulties. By investing in Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), you are providing your employees with a support system that they can use when they are experiencing difficulties in their personal or professional lives.


Impact of Absenteeism - Reduced Productivity

With declining performance comes decreased productivity, both in terms of quantity and quality of work. And, with employees absent, it is up to managers to reorganize projects or move deadlines (which does not make you look good to your clients).


Impact of Absenteeism - Employee Performance

Employees who frequently miss work will not perform as well as those who do not. When they miss work frequently, their performance is bound to suffer because they miss out on projects, training, and updates. All of this can contribute to low morale at work.
